

Home / Products / Inkjet Dispersions / KP-OL Series

Oil Based Digital Dispersions for Coding and Marking


KP-OL series are highly stable oil based dispersions easy to use for the production of digital inks for coding and marking printing market. They are environmentally friendly products based on high-performance polymeric dispersants, inkjet quality pigments and vegetable oils. Small particle size, narrow particle size distribution and low viscosity facilitates the formulation of inkjet inks with excellent filterability and long-term stability.

They contain a high pigment loads ready to use for the production of digital inks for coding. They are environmentally friendly products based on high-performance polymeric dispersants, inkjet quality pigments and vegetable oil (they are mineral oil and VOC free). Excellent long-term stability, color strength and compatibility with a broad range of co-solvent and resins make them suitable for several applications.

KP-OL series pigment dispersions can be mixed with the letdown solution in various quantities depending on individual formulations and custom applications.

KP-OL series make it possible to produce a finished digital ink without the need for additional process steps with the following advantages:

- Speed to produce the inks: it will greatly reduce production, transport and research cost.

- High pigment concentration: they allow an extremely easy formulation for the user and an important increase of the production yield.

- Latest generation pigment: they guarantee very high production yields and stability during the process.


Main characteristics:


• High pigment load (20 wt.%)

• Based on HMW dispersant

• Low viscosity

• « 200 nm average particle size, narrow particle size distribution

• Excellent compatibility with a wide range of co-solvents and resins

• Excellent storage stability

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